Citizen Participation Platform

Report, view, or discuss local problems in your constituency

Get Started

Empowering Citizens to Improve Their Communities

Our platform provides a space for citizens to report, view, and discuss local problems within their constituency. Here's how we make a difference:

Report Problems

Easily report issues such as potholes, broken streetlights, and litter to your local government authorities.

Discuss Solutions

Engage in discussions with other citizens and policymakers to find solutions to community problems.


By participating in the platform, citizens contribute to creating safer, cleaner, and more sustainable communities.


Explore the features and services offered by our platform to empower citizens and improve communities:

Report Problems

Easily report local issues such as potholes, broken streetlights, and litter to authorities.

Discuss Solutions

Engage in discussions with other citizens and policymakers to find solutions to community problems.

Track Progress

Stay updated on the progress of reported issues and see them resolved in your community.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about our platform:

How do I report a problem?

To report a problem, simply navigate to the "Report" section of our platform and fill out the form with the necessary details about the issue you encountered.

Can I edit my submitted report?

Yes, you can edit your submitted report by logging into your account, accessing the "My Reports" section, and selecting the report you wish to edit. From there, you can make the necessary changes.